For whom is the SIYB Business Game?
The SIYB Business Game (shortly The Game) is for those who want to experience and simulate a small sized enterprise in a safe environment. All who attend SIYB training will play The Game. For them The Game will bring theory to life and provide an opportunity to practice knowledge and skills. It is for those who are ready to expose themselves to how they and others make business decisions. The Game is therefore also for all those who are open to learn and to become aware of own entrepreneurial attitudes and areas of improvement. The Game is equally beneficial for the SIYB training provider. It is an effective training tool that raises the credibility of the provider. The participants start to understand better where they have real difficulties and where they need more training. The training provider can therefore use the Game as well for needs assessment and as training appetizer. To fully benefit from the SYB Business Game, the participants should be able to read, write and make reliable calculations. The Game has proven to be equally suitable for men and women, young and old, whether living in rural and urban areas.